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A small introduction to the makers and additions to working mum of twins HQ

Myself - Im Laura, 29 years old. 

I work in medical repatriation 37.5 hours a week, the other part of my time is a 24/7 mummy to the best gifts anyone could ever receive.

In my spare time i ride horses, quad-bike, motocross and social media promotion and photography for others (the start of the build up)

Love able Rowan, the cuddle monster, Food bin and total baby filled sqidgelet.

He is the most social butterfly, animal loving child you can meet with smile to die for, bare this in mind though he is trouble with a capital T.

You will find all sorts of magpie shiny objects in his grasp.

Fact : he was 7lb1oz  and 2 mins behind his brother

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie..... Where to start? Well as a baby he certainly knew what he wanted with such a cute face and chubby cheeks but milk times were certainly an 'on time black ops mission' to the digit.

He then grew a little more and progressed to an independent mischievous character that to this day still knows what he wants. 

Fact: he was 6lb1oz and was first born,

Daddy aka Dean.

The some what half mature/peterpan that is the glue of this home.

He works his bottom off, causes most of the mess (yes more than the boys) and yet still smiles and supports us as a flourishing family.

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